Keyboard with social media keys

Here are a few rules of thumb for your business social media:

  • Don’t hire a third party to post for you.
    Nobody knows your business like you do.
  • Vary your posts.
    Combine a mix of content about your business (product info, trade shows, behind-the-scenes images, sales events) with other content, such as links and shares of third-party posts.
  • What seems dull to you may be of interest to followers.
    A vineyard owner may see after-harvest pruning as a mundane chore, but for others it may be interesting.
  • Create regular features.
    A “sale item of the week,” or a regular event (product demonstrations, or “meet the maker” mixers) will keep it fresh.
  • Make it pithy.
    Keep it brief.
  • Encourage comments.
    Treat your followers like friends — respond to comments.
  • Follow other business pages.
    Follow pages and share posts associated with your trade and with local businesses.
  • Tag other businesses.
    To tag other pages in your posts, type “@” and follow with the name of the page you wish to tag. The autofill will add the name and create a link.